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Can You Trust Us? Safely Recording and Sharing Family Stories on Social Media

August 9, 2023
4 min read

In the digital age, family storytelling has found a new home on social media platforms. However, concerns about data privacy and security often cast a shadow on the desire to record and share personal stories. In this blog post, we'll address these valid concerns and shed light on how you can confidently preserve your family history, generational memories, and ancestral heritage through a memory preservation app while safeguarding your personal information.

Addressing Data Privacy Concerns on Legacy Lock

1. Secure Data Encryption: At Legacy Lock, we employ state-of-the-art encryption protocols to ensure that your personal stories remain secure and inaccessible to unauthorized users. Your family's narrative is treated with the utmost confidentiality, providing you with peace of mind as you share your family's legacy.

2. Controlled Visibility: We wanted you to have the autonomy to control who has access to your family stories. For this reason, we created a private and public account option for you. Unlike open social media platforms, you can choose to share your stories exclusively with your family members, ensuring that your memories remain within the circle you trust. If you choose the private account option, only people you accept will be able to see your posted stories.

3. Safe Storage Practices:Memory preservation apps like ours prioritize secure data storage, employing rigorous measures to prevent breaches. Your family's history is stored in a protected digital vault, shielding it from potential threats. In fact, we use the same security system of Amazon! We leverage the best parts of big tech for our small team who keeps family safety and user security in mind.

What Can Our Team See on Your Account? 

As a technology company our developers do have access to the usage of our app which you can read further in our privacy policy and terms of use on our website. However we do not have access to view your private posted videos. Here's what we can see: 

1. What categories & questions you record: Our team can see the prompted questions you have recorded.

2. The time you spend on the app and where you go: Our team can see if you spend a lot of time reviewing the question prompts or watching other people's account.

3. Your username and details but not your password: Our team can see your account information however we do not have access to your password. If you forget your password you will need to click Reset Password to set up a new login, we cannot see this nor do this for you.

Why Do You Need to Track My Data?

Data helps our team understand how you prefer to use the app and what your favorite features are. With this information we can build even better features in the areas you love and smooth out bugs that get you stuck. We always LOVE feedback so if you ever have an idea or spot a problem or design that drives you crazy please let us know here.

Tips for Protecting Personal Information

1. Be Mindful of Over-Sharing: While sharing personal stories is a beautiful endeavor, exercise caution when sharing sensitive information such as addresses, phone numbers, or financial details. Focus on capturing the essence of your family's experiences rather than divulging private specifics.

2. Know Who You Accept as a Friend: Be sure if you are sharing personal stories that you are only letting people see your stories who you know and trust. You can ensure this by having a private account and only accepting people you choose to trust. And if you ever change your mind about someone, you can remove them from seeing your posted videos without them being notified.

3. Adjust Privacy Settings: When using social media platforms, explore privacy settings and customize them to suit your comfort level. Limit who can view your posts and restrict access to your personal data when needed.

Embrace a Secure Memory Preservation App: Legacy Lock

Legacy Lock offers a safe and secure environment to record, preserve, and share your family's stories. Our memory preservation app is designed with robust security measures, allowing you to confidently capture generational memories, family memoirs, and ancestral heritage while safeguarding your personal information.

We are a small team of passionate people trying to preserve our family memories too. We are designing this for our families and for yours. Your family's history deserves to be preserved and celebrated, and Legacy Lock provides the perfect platform to do so securely. Begin your journey of capturing family stories today, ensuring that the legacy of your loved ones lives on for generations to come.

Ready to start recording your family legacy securely? Download Legacy Lock now and embark on a meaningful journey of memory preservation. Your stories deserve to be shared and cherished – begin your legacy today.

Download Legacy Lock Today
August 9, 2023
4 min read